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Monday, October 27, 2008

-Food & Drink

What Guinea pigs Eat and Drink:
First off lets start off with what you should never feed you guinea pig:

-Potatoes and potato skins

-Iceberg lettuce (most other lettuce is okay)





Chocolate and potato skins and potatoes have been known to kill or make Guinea pigs sick.

The other stuff is very unhealthy. If you are not sure about a food item you are going to feed you guinea pig then don’t feed them it until you have researched further.

Now what too feed your guinea pig: Guinea pigs need a lot of fibre and vitamin C (because just like humans they cannot produce vitamin C and need to do bowl movements.

-Guinea pigs need and love hay, do to the fact that it provides a good source of fibre and guinea pigs need lots of fibre.

-Hay, the best type of hay for your Guinea pig is Timothy hay unless they are very young under 4 months, pregnant or nursing sows then use alfalfa based hay. You should make sure there is always hay in the cage for your Guinea pig (it is best if it is not touching the ground so it dose not get contaminated).

-Pellet food, one very important thing here is that you never feed theme any other type of pellet food then guinea pig food, do too the fact that guinea pig food contains vitamin C and others are not as healthy for them. Make sure you get a good brand of food because that is one of the main things guinea pigs eat, as in hay give them as much as they need usually a small handful per piggy, but if there is a lot left over the next day then add less in the mornings, also if the bowl is constantly empty the next day then add more.

-Water, very important make sure that there sippy bottle always has plenty of fresh cool water in it.

-Veggies and fruits, if your guinea pig dose not get enough of these then it will not have enough vitamin C in its system witch could cause scurvy. Most vegetables are good for your guinea pig(s) except of course the ones I mentioned earlier (again of course if you are not sure of something you are planning pm feeding your guinea pig look it up) some of the best fruits and veggies are: apples, carrots, pear, and most lettuces (never iceberg), there are many more that are suitable. Some guinea pigs can be very picky about what they eat so make sure you introduce what you want to feed to them when they are still young.