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Monday, October 27, 2008

Food & Water

Food & Water:
Rabbits are herbivores so do not feed them meat, they still need some protein.

There diet should be:

-Constant Timothy hay, as much as they need.

-As much rabbit pellet food as your pet store says the rabbit needs for its size and age, should be about a quarter cup if older then 6 months.

-2 cups vegetables and legumes daily.

-Fruit but only as a treat so very little.

-Use Alfalfa hay if you rabbit is under 6 months or is a nursing or pregnant mother.

List of good vegetables:

-Celery (strings removed)

-Alfalfa sprouts

-Dandelion flowers and leaves


-Radish tops and sprouts


-Broccoli (mostly stems and leaves)

-Fresh herbs such as;





Almost any fruit is good such as pears, apples, grapes, bannanas, etc

Never feed Your Rabbit any of the Following:

-Green Beans





-Sweet potato





-or anything with un natural sugar in it.

Do not make sudden changes in your rabbits diet as it can cause stomach aches disarray and other bad things, if you want to change the diet slowly add the new food to there old.


Plastic sipper bottles are best.